Does Scouting Really Work?

If you've read through our Scouting 101 page, you might be asking yourself "does this scouting thing really work"? Well, lucky for you, there's research to back up that what we instill in our Scouts not only works, but it also makes a significant difference when comparing Scouts with non-Scouts. A research team from Tufts University worked with just one the Boy Scouts of America’s over 250 councils nationwide to measure the character attributes of both Scouts and non-Scouts. The project was funded by the John Templeton Foundation and led by Dr. Richard M. Lerner, a child development professor and Bergstrom chair in Applied Developmental Science. The three year-long study surveyed close to 1,800 Cub Scouts and about 400 non-Scouts under age 12 and six traits: hopefulness, helpfulness, obedience, cheerfulness, kindness and trustworthiness.

The study showed four key findings:

      1. The more time kids spend in Scouting, the better the outcomes in character development;

      2. Those who attend meetings regularly report higher outcomes virtually across the board when compared to Scouts with lower attendance;

      3. Scouts are more likely to embrace positive social values than non-Scouts;

      4. Scouts who are more engaged in the program report higher outcomes in nearly every category (hopefulness, helpfulness, obedience, cheerfulness, kindness and trustworthiness)

More Research

Impact of Scouting

Eagle Scouts: Merit Beyond the Badge

Character & Merit Study (Tufts University)

Tufts University Study Infographic and Video

Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets Applied to Scouting

The Search Institute has identified forty building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.

Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets

Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets applied to Cub Scouting

Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets as applied to Boy Scouting (Coming Soon)

Values of Americans

Values of Americans: A Study of Ethics and Character [PDF] (No. 02-849) Full study.

Values of Scouts: A Study of Ethics and Character [PDF] (No. 02-882) Booklet, a comparison of Scouts and non-Scouts.

What Will Your Son’s Future Hold? (Hispanic audience) [PDF] (No. 02-789) Brochure, an overview of the benefits of Scouting.

What Will Your Son’s Future Hold? (African American audience) [PDF] (No. 02-1084) Brochure, an overview of the benefits of Scouting.

What Will Your Son’s Future Hold? (Asian audience) [PDF] (No. 02-1085) Brochure, an overview of the benefits of Scouting.

What Will Your Son’s Future Hold? (Caucasian audience) [PDF] (No. 02-1086) Brochure, an overview of the benefits of Scouting.

PowerPoint Presentation for Values of Americans [PPT]

All materials listed above are available by contacting .

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